Reinvent Yourself
Adesola Daboiku is an experienced hypnosis practitioner.
She is a Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist with 500 hours of clinical training. She is also a Fellow of the International Board of Hypnotherapy, which is the certifying board with the highest level of initial certification, and on-going education requirements in the industry. She provides services such as Smoking Cessation, Weigh Loss, Natal & Past Life Regression, and Reducing Urinary Frequency using Medical Support Hypnotherapy.
Adesola enjoys providing the clinical help and the tools you need to reach your goals! Be it a habit or set-back you’re struggling with, or a new milestone you want to achieve, you’ll notice a difference after only a few sessions. Reach out today for more information or to set up an appointment.
My Journey Into Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
Founded in 2023, Smile Hypnotherapy was born from a decision I made to change my life. Every morning I would wake up to a gnawing feeling of dissatisfaction. An aching that something was missing. Something was wrong. "But how can anything be wrong?" I would ask myself. I had an excellent career with the government that I obtained after years of climbing the corporate ladder. I had a small group of good friends, I had several volunteering-based hobbies, a doggie companion and was actively working on developing my own connection wish myself and my spirituality.
The feeling went on for months until I had a significant shift in mindset. I decided to really look at my life from a higher viewpoint, so I could see the whole forest of my life instead of singular trees. From this greater perspective I realized that several of the trees within my life's forest were withering and dying from neglect, ignorance, and avoidance. I was raised to believe that I have all the answers within myself, but here I was still trying to find external validation through success and materialistic endeavors. It was then that I decided to leave the security of my job and live out my passions instead by becoming a Clinical Hypnotherapist (advanced education in Medical Support and Natal and Past Life Regression)!
I have always been fascinated with the human mind since I was a child. Learning why people choose to do things in the unique ways they do intrigued me so in 2018 I graduated from Wright State University with a bachelor's degree in Psychology with a concentration in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. I have always been aware of the unlimited potential we hold using the powers of our mind-body connection.
I made a choice to change my life by unlocking my own potential and it is my dream, my mission, to help others help themselves so that they may go on to become beacons of hope and light in their own communities!